Have you ever dreamed of opening your own profitable business, becoming a coffee tycoon and making money at the same time? Kofi is a revolutionary cashout system! Earn coins and turn them into real rewards!
Receive visitors, serve cakes, cookies and drinks, and earn money in the Coffey mobile app. Earn Xp points and convert them into real money and withdraw via different payment methods.
As a Coffey Chef, you decide what you will bake, how much you will bake, and who will eat the baked goods. Get the highest restaurant rating and earn as much money as you can!
Are you ready to prepare some delicious dishes?
Choose wisely where you place your customers. Manage free tables carefully because happier customers means a better restaurant rating!
You can do it! ready. hiring. cook! Earn money by having happy clients. Withdraw via different payment methods! You can earn rewards anytime and anywhere. easy and simple.
You can earn